Thought today that I would tell you about planking a ship. After the ribs or bulkheads are all set in order, draw lines on bulkheads and or ribs so that you will have ready reference as to where you are going. ( after all this is my opinion only ) Some my not agree, but that is alright . I like to turn the hull upside down and work from the keel down. But first of all make sure that ribs and legs,( I call them legs), are a little longer then need be, so that you can trim them off when you come to fit the gun-wale of the ship. Then I would fit planking to line up with the deck line which should be a little lower then the gun-wale. This should be done with just strait pins temporally, in case adjustment is required.
Then get started with the planking of the ship. Like I said start at the keel, fit each plank carefully,(now take your time, ) and see that your joints fall on a bulkhead or rib for solid fastening . Like I said before, if your boat is going into the water, you have to use waterproof glue on your boat, or else you will just have a pile of wood floating around on top of the water, and that is just about it.
After you have finished one side of your keel, then do the other side of the keel, and so alternating side by side as you go. As you go along, measure the distance from planking to reference lines, so that you will know that planking is coming out equal on both sides, and will look right at the bow and the stern. This is important, as looks means a lot.
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